Have you met our founder, Christina Bullock? Maybe you've read our about page, stumbled across our website or social media and are wondering what her story is all about.

We wanted to take a minute to share a little more about our founder, Christina, so you can get to know her a little better. As a female founded and owned company, there's nothing better than receiving support from other women and helping to inspire women to go after what brings them purpose and joy.

So without further adieu, here are 7 fun facts about our founder! 

1. Mom of 2 (soon to be 3!)

One of the biggest joys in Christina’s life has been becoming a mother. When the doctors told her she had less than a 1% chance of ever getting pregnant, she felt discouraged and disheartened. However, after seeking fertility treatments, adjusting to a healthier lifestyle and having faith, her dreams of becoming a mother became true. She now has two healthy children, a boy and a girl, and is expecting her third miracle baby soon! Having undergone infertility herself, she understands how isolating and hard it can be. However, she hopes her story of becoming a mom inspires others not to give up hope! For more on how Christina juggles being a mom and entrepreneur visit here

 Christina Bullock, wearing our Paisley sneaker during a recent photoshoot

2. Silicon Valley Native 

For most of her life, Christina has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area. Silicon Valley to be specific - home to the big tech companies, like Google, Meta and Apple. While she never worked for a big tech company, the Silicon Valley entrepreneurship mindset and drive has molded her into the woman she is today. Random fact: her mom went to high school with Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs! Silicon Valley is a small(ish) community of like-minded people, determined to succeed and help change the world. Christina has tried to take advantage of this whenever possible and appreciates all the advice and help she’s had along the way. For more tips on pursuing your dreams, visit this blog post

Apple Founder Steve Jobs in High SchoolApple Co-Founder, Steve Jobs, yearbook photo Homestead High in Cupertino, California

3. Lover of Fine Art & Design

Before studying marketing, Christina received a double bachelor’s degree in Art History and Design from the University of California, Davis. She was fortunate enough to study abroad in the South of France and visit the studios of some of her favorite artists, such as Cézanne and Matisse. It was during her time there that she gained an appreciation for European style, quality and accessories. And their “joie de vivre” or “joy of living” mentality. 

Christina in the South of FranceChristina in 2006 during her study abroad program in the South of France

4. Exercise and Wellness Enthusiast 

Christina enjoys a variety of different exercises to maintain her sense of health and well-being. From attending local Soulcycle classes to playing tennis to walking with friends to attending pilates retreats, she loves being active and mixing up her routine. “Some people eat to live, but I live to eat. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle enables me to indulge in my favorite things (like chocolate and wine) while also helping improve my mental health.” She recommends finding a variety of activities to not get bored and to pair up with a friend to keep it fun! 

Attending a Pilates Retreat in Tulum, MexicoAttending a Pilates Retreat with MNT Retreats in Tulum, Mexico (highly recommend!)

5. Climate Change and Sustainability Expert  

After witnessing the devastating California wildfires year after year, Christina was inspired to take action for her kid’s futures. She decided to enroll in a sustainability certificate program through the University of California, Los Angeles and also former Vice President Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project. She now has a deep understanding of climate change, the importance of moving towards more sustainable systems and not letting fear take over. She chooses to remain hopeful about the future through awareness, collective action and innovative solutions. For more on our sustainability stance, visit here

Joyasol Founder with Former Vice President Al GoreJoyasol Founder with Former Vice President Al Gore

6. Philanthropist & Volunteer

A big believer in giving back, Christina finds joy in helping others and causes that are dear to her heart. A few years back, she had the opportunity to help a young woman in Uganda improve her writing and English skills. She met with her weekly for a few months to help her share her story about forced underage marriages and how her passion for sustainable farming got her out of one. Some of her favorite charities to support include: Remake, Upstream, Kids & Art Foundation, Peninsula Bridge, The Nature Conservancy, Wildlife Conservation Society, Global Green Grants Fund, Mercado Global and Village Enterprise. 

Visiting the WCS Central Park ZooVisiting the Wildlife Conservation Society's Central Park Zoo

7. Lover of Laughter and All Things Fun

To help balance some of the heavier things she cares about, Christina makes a point to do something fun everyday. Because life is too short to take things so seriously all the time! Whether it’s turning on her favorite jams and dancing, having an extra glass of wine (or two) and letting loose with her friends, or binging on her favorite reality TV shoes (like Below Deck and Keeping up with the Kardashians), Christina tries to not take any day for granted and to really live life to the fullest. “I truly believe laughter is the best medicine and that a day without laughter is a day wasted,” says Christina. For more on finding joy and happiness, visit our other post here

Joyasol Founder and FriendIs there anything more fun than a joy ride with a friend?

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